A message as I channel Archangel Raphael.
Raphael’s name means ‘God heals’, is the archangel designated for physical and emotional healing. He can help reduce addictions and cravings and is powerful in healing other injuries and illnesses, with cures often occurring immediately. This specific archangel aids in restoring and maintaining harmony and peace.
Angels are interwoven within the culture of man. Regardless of religion or belief system, stories of angels are a part of our heritage, of the fabric that makes up human history.
The channeling. Addressed to ‘those who love too much’.
“Wounded healers have hard lessons. The biggest lesson is self preservation or ‘how to not lose yourself in someone else’.
When we save someone from their own demise; take away ones lesson, they must repeat it.
Do not become those around you because you don’t want them to suffer.
Suffering is growth. Suffering teaches will, strength and tenacity.
Bless your heart for loving unconditionally, but bless it more for seeing the difference with clarity”.
– Brandie Wells Compassionate Clairvoyant; Psychic Medium