Channeling Archangel Michael:
There is always more going on than meets the eye, so keep moving forward, taking the time to pause now and then and evaluate your progress.
Allow for the positive shift to take place. It is time to move on, so let the necessary transformations happen. Cut the cords that can bind you to the past, to material possessions, destructive patterns and anything else that might be holding you back from the prosperous life you know you came here to experience. Ask Archangel Michael to assist you in clearing away and cutting the cords to any attachments and to free you from mental chains of the past.
Imagine yourself free and released, unbound and doing well with the positive outcomes in your life.
“You are a work in progress. Be gentle; knowing you are the greatest version of yourself. Sending love and light for positive manifestation!
State “I am the greatest version of myself” as an affirmation as you make daily decisions”.
Blessings, Brandie
Love & Light,
Brandie Wells, Compassionate Clairvoyant
Love & Light,
Brandie Wells, Compassionate Clairvoyant
Certified Angelic Healer, Hypnotist & Psychic Medium
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